The Akka streams activator provides a few illustrative examples. These are all based on the api, especially the Scala DSL; and thus do not illustrate all the capabilities. (Quite reasonable given the very early stage of development).
The SPI provides a mechanism to unsubscribe, which lead to a question as to how that might actually be used. The following code implements a Consumer that prints each line and unsubscribes when “TO” is encountered.
implicit val system = ActorSystem("Sys")
val text =
"""|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
|Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,
|when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type
|specimen book.""".stripMargin
val m = FlowMaterializer(MaterializerSettings())
val p = Flow(text.split("\\s").toVector).
map(line => line.toUpperCase).
p.produceTo(new Consumer[String]{
var subscription:Subscription = null
def getSubscriber:Subscriber[String] = new Subscriber[String] {
def onSubscribe(s:Subscription){
subscription = s;
def onNext(e:String){
if(e == "TO")
def onComplete(){println("done")} //never called
def onError(t:Throwable){println(t)}
onComplete(m) {
case Success(_) => system.shutdown()
case Failure(e) =>
println("Failure: " + e.getMessage)
The Consumer is rather similar to the Reactive Extensions Observer.