Custom functions for xpath expressions can be defined via XPathFunction. The standard Java code is verbose, with the explicit type casting of the arguments only increasing the code size.
An ideal implementation would allow the use of standard Scala functions, and provide an automagic conversion to XPathFunction required for integration with the Java XPath implementation.
Defines a class that wraps a Function1 and adapts it to the XPathFunction. Note that R must be a type that extends Object to conform to the XPathExpression.evaluate return type.
Provides an implicit conversion from Function1 to One (and hence to an implementation of XPathFunction)
Creates a simple naming from name to an XPathFunction, using anonymous Scala functions.
Additional adapter class, implicit conversion function pairs are then needed to cover the remaining FunctionN cases.
The Scala functions must still be written using Java types and in a manner that conforms to the expectations of XPathFunction.
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