The following code is extracted from a Scala project that parses a stream of marshalled binary
messages. The code that actually unmarshals the bytes is defined by Unmarshaller
type Unmarshaller = (Int , Adapter)=>Payload
private def payload(unmarshal:Unmarshaller)(id: Int) = new Decoder[Payload] {
def decode(bits: BitVector): Attempt[DecodeResult[Payload]] = {
val t = Try(Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(
new AdapterImplementation(bits.toByteBuffer)),
t.getOrElse(Attempt.failure(InsufficientBits(8, 0, Nil)))
The Scala code implements a test harness for a Java system. That Java (only) codebase also has to unmarshal the byte stream and would thus be convenient to make the Unmarshaller code common between the two codebases.
The Java 8 lambdas provide an equivalent representation.
type Unmarshaller = BiFunction[Integer,Adapter,Payload]
Note that is the only change required in the Scala code. The scala compiler desugars
to unmarshal.apply(x,y)
, which corresponds to the BiFunction
Unfortunately, the Java API does not consistently use apply
, so this syntactic convenience
is limited. For example (Int)=>Unit
corresponds to Consumer<Unit>
, whose API
defines an accept